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Old Coyote will have as many as a dozen of these sticks of timber, all bored an' framed up with arsenic-tallow, scattered about. Each mornin' while he's wolfin', Coyote makes a round-up an' skins an' counts up his prey. An' son, you hear me! he does a flourishin' trade. "Why don't Coyote p'isen hunks of meat you asks? For obvious reasons.

You have it, or you haven't. Against it, intelligence and musicianship and habits of industry don't count at all. Singers are a conventional race. When Thea was studying in Berlin the other girls were mortally afraid of her. She has a pretty rough hand with women, dull ones, and she could be rude, too! The girls used to call her DIE WOLFIN."

"Tharupon Shotgun canters out an' busts his gent warrant, lead an' all an' that gives him the name of 'Shotgun' Dowling. "But at the time he comes riotin' along into Wolfville, allowin' he'll reside some, he's regyarded hard; havin' been wolfin' 'round, copperin' Mexicans an' friskin' about general; so, nacheral, we warns him out as aforesaid.

Old Coyote lives alone an' has built himse'f a dugout a sort o' log hut that's half in an' half outen the ground. His mission on earth is to slay coyotes 'Wolfin'' he calls it for their pelts; which Coyote gets a dollar each for the furs, an' the New York store which buys 'em tells Coyote to go as far as he likes. They stands eager to purchase all he can peel offen them anamiles.