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"No, Adam," he was saying, "depend upon it, there is nothing like exercise, and, of all exercise, give me a pitch-fork." "Why, as to that, Mr. Belloo, sir," Adam retorted, "I say so be it, so long as I ain't near the wrong end of it, for the way you do 'ave of flourishin' an' a whirlin' that theer fork, is fair as-tonishin', I do declare it be."

"Well, it ain't easy to say exactly. You see it was getting dark at the time, and I was doin' my best to drive a thief of a hox down a place in the kloof where it had to stand upright, a'most, on its front-legs, with its tail whirlin' in the hair.

The Caldwell beauty keeps her saddle, an' with never a swerve or curve goes whirlin' away up the brown, burnt August trail, Bloojacket lays thar on his face; an' thar's a bullet as squar' between the eyes as you-all could set your finger-tip. Which he's dead dead without a motion, while the poker bucks plays ca'mly on." My venerable friend came to a full stop.

"This made th' way clear f'r th' discussion iv th' larger question iv how future wars shud be conducted in th' best inthrests iv peace. Th' conference considhered th' possibility iv abolishin' th' mushroom bullet which, entherin' th' inteeryor iv th' inimy not much larger thin a marble, soon opens its dainty petals an' goes whirlin' through th' allyminthry canal like a pin-wheel.

An' it ain't no bad idee; said kettle-tenders shore promotes what Colonel Sterett calls the elan of the dancin' bucks no end. "After your eyes gets used to this whirlin' an' skatin' an' skootin' an' weavin' in an' out, you notes two bucks, painted to a finish an' feathered to the stars! who out-skoots an' out-whirls an' out-skates their fellow bucks like four to one.