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Pelle went with the stream over Queen Louise's Bridge and farther into the city. Here the feeling was different, opinions were divided, people exchanged sharp words. Outside the newspaper-offices stood dense crowds impeding the wheel-traffic as they waited patiently for the results that were shown in the windows.

Outside, voices kept sounding with that peculiar muffled distinctness which they have on a night of dense fog, when there is little or no wheel-traffic to make the wonted rumbling. 'Are y'asleep? Bob asked suddenly. 'No. 'There's something I wanted to tell you. You can have Jane Snowdon here again, if you like. 'I can? Really? 'You may as well make use of her.

Pelle went with the stream over Queen Louise's Bridge and farther into the city. Here the feeling was different, opinions were divided, people exchanged sharp words. Outside the newspaper-offices stood dense crowds impeding the wheel-traffic as they waited patiently for the results that were shown in the windows.

Along the main thoroughfares of mid-London, wheel-traffic was now suspended; between the houses moved a double current of humanity, this way and that, filling the whole space, so that no vehicle could possibly have made its way on the wonted track. At junctions, pickets of police directed progress; the slowly advancing masses wheeled to left or right at word of command, carelessly obedient.

With very much love. Yours, CON. November 1st, 1916. My Dearest M.: Peace after a storm! Your letter was not brought up by the water-wagon this evening, but by an orderly the mud prevented wheel-traffic. I was just sitting down to read it when Fritz began to pay us too much attention.