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The Blue Ridge, as it traverses from this point the breadth of Virginia, breaks into various natural eccentricities the Peaks of Otter, rising a mile above the sea, the Natural Bridge, Weyer's Cave, Madison's Cave and gives issue to those rich heated and mineralized springs for which the State is famous.

Who remembers the little brush at Weyer's Cave, where the Confederates came near bagging General Merritt?

"That's the dome of the Palais de Justice they call Brussels 'Paris in little' I like it better than Paris, myself not so crowded. I live in Brussels." "Louvain there's Van de Weyer's statue, the 1830 revolutionist. My wife's mother lives in Louvain. She wants us to come and live there. She says we are too far away from her at Brussels, but I don't think so." "Leige see the citadel?

In number and variety of mineral springs it stands unequalled; its caverns, Luray and Weyer's, are rich in charms of subterranean scenery; and its two remarkable examples of nature's grandeur, the Natural Bridge and Natural Tunnel, are unique in their peculiar characteristics.

Here we lunched for everybody lunches in this royal region; and then mountain ponies to go up to the Dhu Loch, about 1,200 feet higher very wild, grand scenery, and a very rough, boggy path, on which Van de Weyer's contortions were very droll. Madame stayed under the royal honeysuckles below. I suppose Hopie and I shall go to Raith on the 15th, if they can take us in.

Met M. de Laveleye at Van de Weyer's. July 14th. Dined at Merchant Taylors' Hall; made a speech. 17th. Dined at Lambeth, to talk over the Judicature Bill with the Archbishop. Met Bishop Wilberforce as I was driving down Constitution Hill. Count Muenster came as German ambassador. I dined with him at Beust's and at Houghton's.