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He was getting pretty old and he ached in all of his bones. "So he said to himself, said he: "'I'll let the kiddies do the work, and rest for a spell in my cave on the mountains. "There were four of 'em two boys and two girls and each had a name, of course. Southwind and Westwind were the girls, Eastwind and Northwind the boys, two strapping big fellows.

The westwind, which had begun to blow even at noon, now rose higher, and seemed to pursue her with its hot breath and the clouds of sand it carried with it from the desert. She must certainly be approaching water, for she heard the deep pipe of the bittern in the reeds, and fancied she breathed a moister air.

The westwind, which had begun to blow even at noon, now rose higher, and seemed to pursue her with its hot breath and the clouds of sand it carried with it from the desert. She must certainly be approaching water, for she heard the deep pipe of the bittern in the reeds, and fancied she breathed a moister air.

The westwind, which had begun to blow even at noon, now rose higher, and seemed to pursue her with its hot breath and the clouds of sand it carried with it from the desert. She must certainly be approaching water, for she heard the deep pipe of the bittern in the reeds, and fancied she breathed a moister air.

He had been a great King but he was deader than a doornail now. "So his four children took up his work. "Up and down the south country wandered Southwind, with her rosebud mouth and golden hair. And wherever she went she scattered posies and violets upon the earth. "Back and forth over her country floated Westwind with her soft smile and gentle voice.

There was no other horse in Lost Valley like the great king! Neither Redbuck nor Golden nor Drumfire! Neither Sweetheart nor Westwind! No, nor any Ironwood Bay that came down from Courtrey's Stronghold, Bolt and Arrow not excepted. Tharon laughed and stroked the king's neck, thewed like steel beneath her hands. She had no fear of Courtrey and his hired killers.

"She was a pretty little thing, with blue eyes and roses in her hair. And she answered him sweet as you please, 'All right, Daddy, and out she danced. "Then with the big tree cane, the old King pointed to the west. "'Westwind, there is your place, he said. "A very pretty girl too was Westwind, with kind eyes and a soft smile.

They rode in silence, Conford, Bent, Jack, Curly, Billy and herself, and a thousand thoughts were boiling miserably in two hearts. El Rey, Golden, Redbuck, Drumfire, Westwind and Sweetheart, they went down along the sounding dark plain, a magnificent band.

Silver-blue roan, silver-pointed, slim, graceful, springy, she had not a single dark spot on her except the sharp black bars of the finger marks outside her knees. "You darlin'!" said Tharon as she wheeled in line. Then came Jack on Westwind, and he was another buckskin, paler than Golden, most marvelously pointed in pure chestnut brown.

The storm outside had become a blizzard. Old Mother Westwind took to her heels and the Boss of the Arctic raged. It occurred to Bruce that it would be hard to bury Slim if the ground froze, and that reminded him that perhaps Slim had "folks" who ought to know.