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Faith in God and hope in Christ alone can deliver a man once and for all from Werterism, or any other moral disease; that truth was reserved for "In Memoriam:" but as far as "Locksley Hall" goes, it is a step forward a whole moral aeon beyond Byron and Shelley; and a step, too, in the right direction, just because it is a step forward because the path of deliverance is, as "Locksley Hall" sets forth, not backwards towards a fancied paradise of childhood not backward to grope after an unconsciousness which is now impossible, an implicit faith which would be unworthy of the man, but forward on the road on which God has been leading him, carrying upward with him the aspirations of childhood, and the bitter experience of youth, to help the organised and trustful labour of manhood.

It is man rising out of sickness into health not conquered by Werterism, but conquering his selfish sorrow, and the moral and intellectual paralysis which it produces, by faith and hope faith in the progress of science and civilisation, hope in the final triumph of good. Doubtless, that is not the highest deliverance not a permanent deliverance at all.

There are, in fact, only two deliverances from Werterism possible in the nineteenth century; one is into Popery, and the other is Forward, forward, let us range; Let the peoples spin for ever down the ringing grooves of change; Through the shadow of the world we sweep into the younger day: Better fifty years of Europe than a cycle of Cathay. But such a combination of powers as Mr.

It did not excite me or make me fierce I was too much inured to it but it crushed and saddened me; it deepened in me that peculiar melancholy of intellectual youth, which Mr. Carlyle has christened for ever by one of his immortal nicknames "Werterism"; I battened on my own melancholy.