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"Ladies," said he, "we are on the subject of politics, the same subject which banished you hence not long ago. Rise, therefore, and retire this is no place for you." "No, sire," cried the Freiherrin von Weifach, "I will not rise until I obtain pardon for my husband.

"Yes, there are laws made so that the poor may be punished by them and the rich protected," said the peasant, with a sinister look. "Oh, yes, there are laws! The rich have only to say that they have no corn, and there the law ends." "And you think that the Baron von Weifach has grain?" The peasant nodded. "I know it," said he, "and when the time comes, he will put it in the market." "What time?"

"Shall we ask for your majesty at the castle, sire?" "Not by my own name. Ask for Baron von Josephi, for by that title I shall introduce myself. Now farewell, and au revoir." The drawing-room of the Freiherr von Weifach was splendidly illuminated.

"But how came this fearful famine among you?" asked Lacy. "Did you not plant corn?" "How could we plant corn when we had none? For two years our crops have failed, and hunger has eaten our vitals until there is not a man in the village who has the strength to raise a fagot." "But I saw a castle as we came thither," said Lacy. "Yes, you saw the castle of the Baron von Weifach.

"You have received me with the hospitality of the olden time, without inquiring my rank, lineage, or dwelling-place. Permit me to introduce myself. I have estates in Moravia, and they are contiguous to those of Count Hoditz." "Then," replied Freiherr von Weifach, "I sympathize with you, for nowhere in Austria has the famine been more severe." "Severe, indeed!