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You know you says me, und Patrick, und Nathan, should be monitors on your weddinge when you marries mit him." And Morris stretched a pointing finger at the foe. After one radiant glance at Teacher's face, Doctor Ingraham possessed himself of the scrubby hand and shook it warmly. "And so you shall, old chap," he cried, "so you shall. You may be best man if you so desire. Anything you like."

The Bride and Bridegroome lay next day a bedd till past 12 a clocke, for the Kinge sent worde he wold come to see them, therefore wold they not rise. My Lord Coke looked with a merrie Countenance and sate at the dynner and supper, but my Lady Hatton was not at the weddinge, but is still at Alderman Bennettes prisonere.

I'm got a present for you," and then recommenced his search in another layer of his many flannels. His efforts being at length crowned with success, he drew forth and spread before Teacher's admiring eyes a Japanese paper napkin. "My sister," he explained. "She gets it to a weddinge." "Oh, Isidore," cried the flattered Teacher; "it's very pretty, isn't it?" "Teacher yiss ma'an," gurgled Isidore.

"I don't know what is mit Patrick," he was saying. "He hits me a hack somethin' fierce sooner I says about mine auntie. Und Nathan, too, is bad boys. He says you lies." "I?" said Teacher; "I?" "Yiss ma'an, that's how he says. On'y I know you don't lies. I know we should be monitors like you says." "When, dearie?" "On your weddinge.

In exactly the same sweetly insistent way had he been sent many a time and oft to seek tidings of the laggard milkman. His colleagues, when he laid these facts before them, were of the opinion that things looked very dark for Teacher. Said Nathan: "You know how she says we should be monitors on her weddinge? Well, it could to be lies. She marries maybe already."