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The Little Russian, Andrey, is all feeling and thought, and the peasant Rybine is inflamed by action. Sashenka is a young girl who sacrifices herself entirely to the Idea, and the coal-man Ignatius is driven by an obscure force to help in a cause which he does not understand. Finest of them all is Pelaguaya Vlassov, the principal character of the book, and Pavel's mother.

He was lying on the sofa and muttering. "Doctor, please! . . . doctor!" "Eh? Ask Domna!" muttered Stepan Lukitch. "What?" "They said at the meeting . . . Vlassov said . . . Who? . . . what?" And to her horror Nellie saw that the doctor was as delirious as her husband. What was to be done? "I must go for the Zemstvo doctor," she decided.

With marvelous psychological analysis, Gorky shows how some of these simple creatures understand the new truth, and how it gradually penetrates their ardent souls. Pavel Vlassov, a young, intelligent workingman, is thirsty for knowledge, and is the apostle of the new ideal. He throws himself heart and soul into the dangerous struggle he has undertaken against ignorance and oppression.

And are you, yes or no, a human being?" She then marries the workingman Michael Vlassov, who gets drunk every day, beats her cruelly and kicks her, and even on his death-bed, says: "Go to the devil.... Bitch! I'll die better alone." He dies, and his son Pavel begins to bring forbidden books into the house. Friends come and talk; a small group is formed.