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It was white, in a way, and yet unlike it; neither did it resemble any of the various tints; to give it a name that he afterward learned alna implies but little. It was utterly new to him. Apparently he was alone. The room was not large; about the size of an ordinary bedroom. And after the first novelty of the unplaceable colour had worn off he began to take stock of his own person.

Constantly he was seeing the transformed Maggie in the cerise evening gown with the fan of green plumes seeing her elaborate setting in her suite at the Grantham hearing that vaguely familiar but unplaceable voice outside her door recalling the frenzied effort with which Maggie had so swiftly effected his escape. This last matter puzzled him greatly.

Set within each of the eight sides, above the balcony, were colossal slabs of lapis lazuli, inset with graceful but unplaceable designs in scarlet and sapphire blue. There was the great divan on which mused Larry; two smaller ones, half a dozen low seats and chairs carved apparently of ivory and of dull soft gold.

She placed the ring on the table, where it continued to emit those unplaceable sounds. "Well! Do do you people," stammered Dr. Malloy, "do you people all hear THAT?" Miss Clarke's face was rather pale. But her mouth was firm. "It is nothing," said she, with theosophical positiveness. "You must not believe it it is not the truth of "

Her eyes were humid; her mouth smiled and drooped at the corners alternately. Red felt her happiness with a keen sympathy, and as he looked at her, suddenly she changed in his eyes. Just what the difference was he could not have told; nor whether it was in her or in him. A sudden access of feeling, undefinable, unplaceable, but strong, possessed him.