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It was a life of freedom and terror, of prosody and rebellion, of interminable floggings and appalling practical jokes. Keate ruled, unaided for the undermasters were few and of no account by sheer force of character. But there were times when even that indomitable will was overwhelmed by the flood of lawlessness.

Some of these have certain privileges; for instance, the headmaster may engage assistants who do not hold diplomas, which makes it easier for him to get native teachers for modern languages; but in the State schools proper, the selection of undermasters does not rest with the head, or director, as he is called, at all.

That boy's school character is perfect, except for a certain cool opinionativeness, which seldom comes out with me, but greatly annoys the undermasters." "Is he a prig?" "Well, yes, I'm afraid he is. He's unpopular, for he does not care for games; but his brother is popular enough for both." "Jock? the monkey!" "His brains run to mischief.

Its bearing on English Education may be inferred from these words of its author, written in October, 1868: "There is a vicious article in the new Quarterly on my school-book, by one of the Eton undermasters, who, like Demetrius the Silversmith, seems alarmed for the gains of his occupation."

And always back in one's mind the home people, to whom one dares not confess that after nine months of waiting, or a year, one has seen the Master once or not at all. Or and one of the Harmar girls had carried back this scar in her soul to go back rejected, as one of the unfit, on whom even the undermasters refuse to waste time. That has been, and often.

I've had to set him more impositions than any boy in the school, and actually to take his form myself, for simply the undermasters can't keep up discipline or their own tempers.