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Gunther informs me, with the females of many Iguanas, Chameleons, and other lizards. In some species, however, the crest is equally developed in both sexes, as in the Iguana tuberculata. The female does not possess even a rudiment of this appendage. In the Anolis cristatellus, according to Mr.

When frightened, this little spider either feigns death by extending its front legs, or suddenly drops from the web. A large Epeira of the same division with Epeira tuberculata and conica is extremely common, especially in dry situations.

When frightened, this little spider either feigns death by extending its front legs, or suddenly drops from the web. A large Epeira of the same division with Epeira tuberculata and conica is extremely common, especially in dry situations.

Melania turritissima, Forbes. a. Fragment of carapace of Trionyx. b. c. Bulimus ellipticus, Sowerby. Helix occlusa, Edwards. Paludina orbicularis. Planorbis discus, Edwards. Lymnea longiscata, Brand. Chara tuberculata, seed-vessel. d.

Idiots, microcephalous, their characters and habits; hairiness and animal nature of their actions; microcephalous, imitative faculties of. Iguana tuberculata. Iguanas. illegitimate and legitimate children, proportion of the sexes in. Imagination, existence of, in animals. Imitation, of man by monkeys; tendency to, in monkeys,; microcephalous idiots and savages; influence of.

Then, in the cool evenings, men, women, and children, with their capacity for dirt greatly increased by the soft resin with which they are all bedraggled, form circles around camp-fires, on the bank of the nearest stream, and lie in easy independence cracking nuts and laughing and chattering, as heedless of the future as the squirrels. Pinus tuberculata

Cyprides from the Upper Purbeck. a. Cypris gibbosa, E. Forbes. b. Cypris tuberculata, E. Forbes. c. The highest of the three divisions is purely fresh-water, the strata, about fifty feet in thickness, containing shells of the genera Paludina, Physa, Limnaea, Planorbis, Valvata, Cyclas, and Unio, with Cyprides and fish.