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Their inland communities, however, are 'mere specks in a vast tract of impenetrable forest. The coast people have for centuries been in touch with Europeans, but the 'Tshi-speaking races are now much in the same condition, both socially and morally, as they were at the time of the Portuguese discovery. Nevertheless, Major Ellis explains their Supreme Being as the result of European influence!

They believe that by dancing they impart strength, courage, and good fortune to their husbands; accordingly during such times they give themselves no rest, and this custom they observe very religiously." Among the Tshi-speaking peoples of the Gold Coast the wives of men who are away with the army paint themselves white, and adorn their persons with beads and charms.

Grouping, then, his facts under the dubious title of le magnetisme, M. Lefebure finds in savage observation of such facts 'the chief cause of fetishism. But probably Major Ellis's researches into the religion of the Tshi-speaking races throw most light on the real ideas of African fetishists. The subject is vast and complex.

A. & C. Black. Edinburgh, 1894. Thompson, R.C. Semitic Magic. 286 pp. Luzac & Co. London, 1908. Ellis, A.B. Tshi-speaking Peoples of the Gold Coast of West Africa. 343 pp. Chapman & Hall. London, 1887. Powers, Stephen. Tribes of California. Washington, 1877. Morice, Rev. Father A.G. The Canadian Dénés. Annual Archeological Report, 1905. Toronto, 1906.

These Ewe-speaking folk must be a sheepish lot. Black-sheepish lot apparently, as being in West Africa. Major ELLIS is the author also of The Tshi-speaking People. These last must be either timidly bashful, or else a very T-shi lot. After this, there's nothing ELLIS this week, says DEAREST BECKY, I have had such luck! Oh, so fortunate! Fancy, we did get in, after all! You know Mr.