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Updated: August 24, 2024
They assert that, on Torngarsuk appearing in answer to their earnest petition, they shriek aloud, and die from fear. At the end of three days they come to life again, and receive a torngak, who takes them forthwith on a journey to heaven and hell, after which they return home full-fledged angekoks, prepared to bless their fellows, and guide them with their counsels.
But an Angekok said immediately, "Torngarsuk ajungilak," the great spirit is good and holy; and another added, "Ajuatangilat," nothing is impossible to him; and a third subjoined, "Saimavot," he is gracious and merciful.
"But when you think we will kill the Kablunat, and take their boats and their goods, are not these bad thoughts?" "Yes." "Would you not then wish to be delivered from your bad thoughts, words, and actions?" "We do not know," concluded their catechism. He then asked them if Torngarsuk created all things; they answered, "We do not know."
You say we shall not find any of these in your heaven; well then, we do not want to go there; we will leave it to you and to the worthless part of our own countrymen, but as for us, we prefer to go to Torngarsuk, where we shall find more than we require of all things, and enjoy them without trouble."
This Torngarsuk is the chief of the good spirits, and dwells in a pleasant abode under the earth or sea. He is not, however, supposed to be God, who is named Pirksoma, i.e. "He that is above," and about whom most Eskimos profess to know nothing.
These spirits would appear to be somewhat coquettish and difficult to win, and marvellous tales are related of the manner in which they are wooed. The aspirant must retire for a time to a desert place, where, entirely cut off from the society of his fellows, he may give himself up to fasting and profound meditation. He also prays to Torngarsuk to give him a torngak.
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