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1 A legacy may also be transferred from one person to another, as thus: 'I give and bequeath to Seius the slave Stichus whom I. bequeathed to Titius, and this may be done either by a later clause of the will or by codicils; the result being that the legacy is taken away from Titius and simultaneously given to Seius.

And these persons the ascendant was not obliged to specially disinherit; he could disinherit them collectively by a general clause. 1 Special disinherison may be expressed in these terms 'Be Titius my son disinherited, or in these, 'Be my son disinherited, without inserting the name, supposing there is no other son.

Following upon these events Marcus Titius and Statilius Taurus made a sudden charge upon Antony's cavalry, which they defeated, and won over Philadelphus, king of Paphlagonia. Many others followed his example, so that Antony was no longer equally imbued with courage but was suspicious of everybody.

A joint legacy is given in such words as the following: 'I give and bequeath my slave Stichus to Titius and Seius': a several legacy thus, 'I give and bequeath my slave Stichus to Titius: I give and bequeath Stichus to Seius': and even if the testator says 'the same slave Stichus' the legacy is still a several one.

And a stipulation, such as 'do you promise to convey Lucius Titius when he shall be a slave' and others like it, are also void from the beginning; for objects which by their very nature cannot be owned by man cannot either in any way be made the object of an obligation.

If the same thing were done as a frolic, without the intention of assisting a theft, the proper action is not theft, but on the case. Where, however, Titius commits theft with the aid of Maevius, both are liable to an action on theft.

Titius and Plancus, men of consular dignity and friends to Antony, having been ill used by Cleopatra, whom they had most resisted in her design of being present in the war, came over to Caesar, and gave information of the contents of Antony's will, with which they were acquainted.

But if you sue Titius to recover your books or parchments, and refuse to pay the value of the writing, he will be able to defend himself by the plea of fraud, provided that he obtained possession of the paper or parchment in good faith.

Nearly of the same age was C. Titius, a Roman knight, who, in my judgment, arrived at as high a degree of perfection as a Roman orator was able to do, without the assistance of the Grecian literature, and a good share of practice.

'A good man Caius Seius, only he is a Christian. So another, 'I marvel that that wise man Lucius Titius hath suddenly become a Christian. No one reflecteth whether Caius be not therefore good and Lucius wise because a Christian, or therefore a Christian because wise and good. They praise that which they know, they revile that which they know not.