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Through the first flowed all the water of Napa River and the great tide-lands; through the second flowed all the water of Suisun Bay and the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers. And where such immense bodies of water, flowing swiftly, clashed together, a terrible tide-rip was produced.

The very excellent results that have been accomplished in New Jersey and on the San Francisco peninsula, and in a smaller way in other places, show what may be done if the community goes about the fight in an intelligent manner. In the fight in New Jersey hundreds of acres of tide-lands have been drained so that they no longer have tide pools standing where the mosquitoes may breed.

Through the first flowed all the water of Napa River and the great tide-lands; through the second flowed all the water of Suisun Bay and the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers. And where such immense bodies of water, flowing swiftly, clashed together, a terrible tide-rip was produced.

At the same time that his agents were purchasing corner lots and entire blocks in the heart of the business section and the waste lands for factory sites, Day was rushing franchises through the city council, capturing the two exhausted water companies and the eight or nine independent street railways, and getting his grip on the Oakland Creek and the bay tide-lands for his dock system.

Then I sell the land and get that value back, and after that, there's the roads, all carrying folks back and forth and earning big money. Can't lose. And there's all sorts of millions in it. "I'm going to get my hands on some of that water front and the tide-lands. Take between where I'm going to build my pier and the old pier. It's shallow water.

The tide-lands had been in litigation for years, and he took the bull by the horns buying out the private owners and at the same time leasing from the city fathers.

This tract comprises about 1,000 acres, most of which is of too uneven surface to admit of cultivation with the plow. On the inlet extending from Skoonan River westward, there are about seventy-five acres of tide-lands which could be reclaimed by a short, inexpensive dyke.