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There was a scene I am not always a beast I tried not to be. Then then I found that there was nothing left but to go away somewhere and live without her. It was too late. She knew it " "Go on," said Jack. Suddenly Sir Thorald's voice grew clear. "Can't you understand?" he asked; "I damned both our souls.

The cars were gliding more swiftly past the platform now; he caught a glimpse of Betty kissing her hand to him, of Cecil bestowing a gracious adieu, of Sir Thorald's eye-glass then they were gone; and far up the tracks the diminishing end of the last car dwindled to a dark square, a spot, a dot, and was ingulfed in a flurry of dust.

"Where are you, Alixe?" he shouted. "Here! Hurry!" She stood on the edge of the brier tangle as he laboured up the slope with the horse and cart. Sir Thorald's breathing was horrible to hear when they stooped and lifted him; Alixe was crying. They laid him on the blood-soaked straw; Alixe crept in beside him and took his head on her knees. "To Morteyn?" whispered Jack.

As Jack sprang into the brier tangle towards him, a slim figure in the black garments of the Sisters of Mercy rose from Sir Thorald's side. He saw the white cross on her breast, he saw the white face above it and the whiter lips. It was Alixe von Elster. At the same instant the road in front was filled with French infantry, running.

A vision of little Alixe came before him, blond, tearful, gazing trustingly at Sir Thorald's drooping mustache. It made him angry; he wished, for a moment, that he had Sir Thorald by the neck. This train of thought led him to think of Rickerl, and from Rickerl he naturally came to the 11th Uhlans.