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Henry said that on his arrival again at Windsor he met Wintergreen, and after preliminaries were arranged they traveled about the country from one town to another, until the time had arrived for the assembling of the prominent friends of the rebellion at St. Catharines in accordance with Jacob Thomlinson's request.

He stated Jacob Thomlinson's plans just as they were being literally carried out. After these plans were well on the way in the direction of being fully executed, C. C. Carey left for Richmond, and Jacob Thomlinson for London, accompanied by Mr. Wintergreen, who was to act as his private secretary.

"Wintergreen was from Thomlinson's town in the South, and was fully trusted and posted by him with all their plans and schemes. The only remark he made to Jackson was that he knew, from Mr. Thomlinson, who Jackson was, and merely asked if he saw the burning of the Will-o'-the-Wisp; to which Jackson replied in the affirmative.

But the attack on the camp was thwarted, and the leaders arrested and put in prison. John Wall, of whom I have heretofore spoken, was one of the leaders, and was captured and imprisoned. "Mr. Lincoln was triumphantly elected. Mr. Jacob Thomlinson's friend, 'Little Mack, as he called him, was ingloriously defeated.

He signified that he was. They took leave of all the gentlemen, and left for their hotel. "That evening they visited the rooms of Jacob Thomlinson. Before starting the Captain spoke rather angrily about Mr. Thomlinson's conduct and about the amount of money placed to Thomlinson's credit.

"Jackson looked at him, but with his usual caution made no response, except that he would be glad to hear what he had to say. That night when all the parties met at Jacob Thomlinson's rooms, as per engagement, all were good natured and full of hope and belief as to their success and the future triumph of the Confederate cause. In the conversation it seemed that the Professor and Dr.