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"You must remember, Lord Sutcombe, that I am a poor clergyman's fourth daughter, and that I am not accustomed to much jewellery." "You are my son's wife, my dear Miriam," he said, with a slight smile. "And a lady of your position has usually quite a quantity of jewellery. Personally, I do not attach much importance to the decrees of fashion, but I suppose that it is as well to comply with them.

She took him to the Marquess's room. Lord Sutcombe, at sight of his visitor, tried to rise; but fell back, stretching out his hand, murmuring, "Wilfred!" Then he looked at the nurse and doctor. "Will you please leave us alone for a little while. This gentleman is " Mr. Clendon laid his hand upon his brother's arm and stopped him. Celia went downstairs, and found Mr.

"Forgive me," said Mr. Clendon gently, but with a calmness and dignity that impressed even the only half-sober Heyton, "but my intrusion is justified, as Lord Sutcombe will bear me out, when he knows I am here." "Oh, well," said Heyton, with an insolent shrug of his shoulders. "I can't speak any more plainly.

"The attempted murder of the Marquess of Sutcombe." Derrick did not start, made no exclamation, but the pallor of his face increased and he gave a little nod. If this box had been stolen, the man who had hidden it was, in all probability, the thief and attempted murderer. Percy the Marquess's own son!

Lord Sutcombe. Of course, you have heard of him?" Mr. Clendon nodded affirmatively. "He is well known." "Though I had no hope of getting the situation, I sent some letters of poor Mr. Bishop's as testimonials, and this morning oh, it is almost incredible I received this letter, informing me that my testimonials were satisfactory, and that I had obtained the post. And what do you think it is?