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Southward they were piled in great snowy masses, so that he was half disposed to think them mountains; northward and eastward they were in wavelike levels, and blindingly sunlit. "Wonder how long a balloon keeps up?" he said. He imagined he was not moving, so insensibly did the monster drift with the air about it. "No good coming down till we shift a bit," he said. He consulted the statoscope.

The young aeronauts thus had all afternoon to store provisions, water, gasoline and the instruments. The altitude barometer, the recording thermometer, the statoscope and recording hygrometer, together with the telescopic camera were each given a place on the bridge and lashed to the netting.

"I've over-done the ballast trick.... Wonder when I shall get down again?... brekfus' on board, anyhow." He removed his cap and wig, for the air was warm, and an improvident impulse made him cast the latter object overboard. The statoscope responded with a vigorous swing to Monte. "The blessed thing goes up if you only LOOK overboard," he remarked, and assailed the locker.

"Wonder if I ever saw anything," he said, and then: "There ain't such things...." Down went the sun and down, not diving steeply, but passing northward as it sank, and then suddenly daylight and the expansive warmth of daylight had gone altogether, and the index of the statoscope quivered over to Descente. "NOW what's going to 'appen?" said Bert.

The latter had an ivory plate bearing "statoscope" and other words in French, and a little indicator quivered and waggled, between Montee and Descente. "That's all right," said Bert. "That tells if you're going up or down." On the crimson padded seat of the balloon there lay a couple of rugs and a Kodak, and in opposite corners of the bottom of the car were an empty champagne bottle and a glass.