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"Whereas articles of agreement between the United States of America, and the Menononee Indians, were made and concluded at the city of Washington, on the 8th day of February A. D. 1831, by John H. Eaton, and Samuel C. Stambaugh, commissioners on the part of the United States, and certain Chiefs and headmen of the Menomonee nation, on the part of the said nation; to which articles an addition or supplemental article was afterwards made, on the 17th day of February, in the same year, by which the said Menomonee nation agree to cede to the United States certain parts of their lands: and that a tract of country therein defined, shall be set apart for the New York Indians; all which, with the many other stipulations therein contained, will more fully appear by reference to the same.

They could always command a canoe or a boat when they wished to visit "the Bay." As we had anticipated, our gentlemen joined us at supper. "They had delayed to take dinner with Colonel Stambaugh had had a delightful gallop up from: the Bay had seen no ravines, nor anything but fine smooth roads might have been asleep, but, if so, were not conscious of it."

I remained at Sacramento a good part of the fall of 1849, recognizing among the immigrants many of my old personal friends John C. Fall, William King, Sam Stambaugh, Hugh Ewing, Hampton Denman, etc. I got Rucker to give these last two employment along with the train for the relief of the immigrants.

Never till that day comes when the usurper and his victim meet at the judgment seat, can he be punished for his wrongs, for his conspiracy against American liberty." Stambaugh, a delegate from Ohio, said: "That, if he was called upon to elect between the freedom of the nigger and disunion and separation, he should choose the latter."

I remained at Sacramento a good part of the fall of 1849, recognizing among the immigrants many of my old personal friends John C. Fall, William King, Sam Stambaugh, Hugh Ewing, Hampton Denman, etc. I got Rucker to give these last two employment along with the train for the relief of the immigrants.

We were passing our time very pleasantly with the Irwins and Whitneys, and at the residence of Colonel Stambaugh, the Indian Agent, but still this delay was inconvenient and vexatious. I suggested undertaking the journey on horseback. "No, indeed," was the answer I invariably received. "No mortal woman has ever gone that road, unless it was some native on foot, nor ever could."

I remained at Sacramento a good part of the fall of 1849, recognizing among the immigrants many of my old personal friends John C. Fall, William King, Sam Stambaugh, Hugh Ewing, Hampton Denman, etc. I got Rucker to give these last two employment along with the train for the relief of the immigrants.

I remained at Sacramento a good part of the fall of 1849, recognizing among the immigrants many of my old personal friends John C. Fall, William King, Sam Stambaugh, Hugh Ewing, Hampton Denman, etc. I got Rucker to give these last two employment along with the train for the relief of the immigrants.