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The smaller Sawyer crowds applauded Sawyer when he waxed indignant over the attempts of those "socialists and anarchists, haters of this free country and spitters upon its glorious flag, to set poor against rich, to destroy our splendid American tradition of a free field and no favors, and let the best man win!"

Smoking is a great deal worse, but the reason why it is not denounced is that people can get a revenue from men's smoking, while they have to clean up after spitters, and there is no money in that. I can prevent a man spitting into my mouth, but I cannot avoid his smoke.

It was a small room, with a stove in the middle, set in a long shallow box of sand, for the benefit of the "spitters," a bar across one end a mere counter with a sliding glass-case behind it containing a few bottles having ambitious labels, and a wash-sink in one corner.

It was a small room, with a stove in the middle, set in a long shallow box of sand, for the benefit of the "spitters," a bar across one end a mere counter with a sliding glass-case behind it containing a few bottles having ambitious labels, and a wash-sink in one corner.

Yet chewers are the greatest spitters, and have a characteristic drooping of the angle of the lower lip, which points to loss of power in the leavator muscles. Latakia, Shiraz, Manila, Cuba, Virginia, and Maryland produce the most valuable tobaccoes.

Travellers have spread the imputation; but travellers are known to speak from prejudice, and their report did not appear to be altogether trustworthy. At length, strange to say, the charge of being intolerable must we say it? spitters is made by one of themselves, and of course there can be no more said on the subject: the fact is confessed.