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Proceeding to the interior of the cave, which had evidently been used as a dwelling for many years past, they came upon the corpse of another man, in a sitting posture, propped up against the wall. One arm rested upon an empty spirit-keg, beside which were a tin pannikin and a few rude cooking utensils. At his feet lay the skeleton of a dog.

It was a horrible sight, one which made me cling to the bulwarks absolutely paralysed, for the man who had climbed on deck was one mass of blue and yellow flames, which flickered and danced from foot to shoulder, and in those brief moments I realised that he must have fallen and overset the spirit-keg when Jarette fired, saturated his garments, and no doubt the fallen lantern had set all instantaneously in a blaze.

Come up and leave that spirit, or I'll fetch you with a bullet." "Better come up, mate," shouted one of the men. "You hold your tongue," snarled Jarette to the speaker. "Now then, will you come, or am I to fire?" There was no reply, and Jarette spoke once more in quite a calm, gentle, persuasive voice. "I say, will you leave that spirit-keg alone and come up?"

"Hi! below there," he roared; "leave that spirit-keg alone, and come up." In the silence which ensued I heard a muffled muttering come from below, and Jarette dropped upon his knees to hold the lantern right down in the open hold, while the light struck up and made his face and his actions plain from where I stood watching. "Once more, do you hear?