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They were supposed to protect the train crews, but whenever trouble started they unlimbered their rifles and joined the mob. You see, whenever a train wreck occurred, the first cry of the spiggoties was 'Kill the Gringos! They always did that, and proceeded to kill the train crew and whatever chance Gringo passengers that'd escaped being killed in the accident.

"I'm not sure my information is entirely correct, but, knowing who she is, I think I understand why she is in Panama. It is politics big politics. The Spiggoties have an election next year, and it is necessary to get our wires well laid before it comes off. General Alfarez will probably be the next president." "Alfarez! Not Ramon?" "His father.

It was some cleaning. Every flat-car, box-car, coach, asthmatic switch engine, and even hand-car that mob of Spiggoties had shoved off the dock into sixty feet of water on top of the Governor Hancock. They'd burnt the round house, set fire to the coal bunkers, and made a scandal of the repair shops. Oh, yes, and there were three of our fellows they'd got that we had to bury mighty quick.

There were Portuguese and Brazilians and West Indians, bushmen from Australia and Zulus from South Africa; and these not having proven enough, America was now pouring out the partly melted contents of her pot Hawaiians and Porto Ricans, Filipinos and "spiggoties", Eskimos from Alaska, Chinamen from San Francisco, Sioux from Dakota, and plain black plantation niggers from Louisiana and Alabama!

"These Spiggoties would enjoy standing me up against a wall with my head in a rag they'd make it a holiday and ring all the bells in town." "I can't assure you that it isn't serious," Anson acknowledged, gravely, "for it is any time an American goes to court in this country it is serious but that doesn't mean that we'll lose."