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Boy, you say, doctor? An' she don't know it yet? Then what 're you tellin' me for? No, sir take it away. I don't want to lay my eyes on it till she's saw it not if I am its father. She's its mother, I reckon! Better lay it down somew'eres an' go to her not there on the rockin'-cheer, for somebody to set on 'n' not on the trunk, please.

Wal, ef you'll look at yourself honest, an' argue with yourself honest, you'll find them things is sure a shadder of the past which happened somew'eres before you tasted that first dose o' prairie poison which has since become a kind o' habit.

"Stooard," said the ship's cook in reply, as he raised his eyes from the contemplation of his bubbling coppers, "take my word for it, that there babby what has just bin launched ain't agoin' to shovel off his mortal coil as the play-actor said without makin' his mark some'ow an' somew'eres." "What makes you think so, Johnson?" asked the steward.

The sailor wass good deal puzzled by this remark, but when its purport was explained to him, he gave vent to a vigorous chuckle, notwithstanding Sam's stern order to "lie still." "Didn't I say so?" he exclaimed. "Didn't I say distinctly, that night, to the stooard Thomson was his name `Stooard, said I, `that there babby what has just bin born will make his mark some'ow an' somew'eres."

Hi bean 'ammerin' 'ide in horchestras since me tenth birthdye, but Hi knows a hangel w'en Hi sees one, an' lawst night Hi missed a 'ole bar on the snare fer lookin' up at 'er just once. Hi never see a brunette look so habsolutely hinnocent. Th' Ol' Nick's peekin' out o' brunettes' faces, somew'eres, mostly.