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We've had nothing but spreads and good times and now the opportunity has come to test our loyalty." Not one of the unsuspecting Ravens guessed what Gyp had in mind! "Ginny Cox did build that snowlady Isobel saw her. But if she gives herself up she'll be sent to Siberia!" "Well, it'll serve her right. She needn't have picked out poor little Miss Gray to make fun of."

There was much speculating as to who had built the snowlady; the three little sub-freshmen who had begun the work Ginny had finished were vehement in their assertions that they had not. Gradually it was whispered about that Ginny Cox had done it. "We might have known that," several laughed, thinking Ginny very clever.

But there was something about the rakish tilt of the hat that was in such strange contrast to the severe spectacles and the thin, frosty nose, that it gave the snowlady the appearance of staggering and made her very funny. All through the school session groups of pupils gathered at the windows, laughing.

During the night King Winter maliciously abetted Ginny in her work, for a turn in his temper laid a sparkling crust over everything and especially the little snowlady who waited, immovable, on a little rise of ground near the main entrance of the school. The pupils, arriving at Highacres the next morning, rubbed their eyes in their amazement.

"I know, let's make him into a snowlady." Ginny's fingers were clever. Her caricatures, almost always drawn in ridicule of the faculty or her fellow-classmates, were famous. If, in her make-up, she had had a kindlier spirit and a truer sense of the beautiful, she might have become a great artist or sculptor.