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Fighting his way to the milk-house, he dragged the squaw along beside the porch, followed by the Indians and all the Hart boys, a yelling, jeering audience. "You tell her shont-isham! Ah-h you can't break loose, you old she-wildcat. Quit your biting, will you? By all the big and little spirits of your tribe, you'll wish "

"No," Peaceful assented unhesitatingly, "you no tell lies, Peppajee. We good friends, many years." "Huh! Man-that-catchum-fish, him no yo' frien'. Shont-isham. All time him speakum lies tellum frien' yo', no frien'. Yo' no more tellum stop yo' wikiup. Kay bueno. Yo' thinkum frien'. All time him have bad heart for yo'. Yo' got ranch. Got plenty hay, plenty apple, plenty all thing for eat.

Mebbyso ketchum dog dog kay bueno, mebbyso me killing. Good Injun Grant no heap yell, no shoot all time mebbyso no drunk. No breakum wikiup. Horse all time kay bueno, Hagar " "Shont-isham!" Phoebe, looking at her attentively, despaired of getting any nearer the truth from any of them. There was a sudden check to Hagar's shrewish clamor.

This time I no throw you in pond. You heap take care next time, mebbyso. You no tellum big lie, me all time heap drunk. You kay bueno. All time me tellum Mother Hart, tellum boys, tellum Viney, Lucy, tellum Charlie and Tom and Sleeping Turtle you heap big liar. Me tell Wally shont-isham. Him all time my friend mebbyso him no likum you no more. "Huh. Get out pikeway before I forget you're a lady!"

Me come ranch, me tellum Peaceful, him all time laugh, me. All time shakum head. Mebbyso thinkum I lie shont-isham!" "What more you do?" Good Indian, at least, did not laugh. "Me go camp. Me thinkum, thinkum all time. Dat man have bad heart. Kay bueno. No can sleep thinkum mebbyso do bad for Peaceful. Come ranch, stop all time dark, all time heap watchum.

Old Hagar spat viciously at them both, and shrilled vituperative sentences in her own tongue fortunately; else the things she said must have brought swift retribution. And as if she did not care for consequences and wanted to make her words carry a definite sting, she stopped, grinned maliciously, and spoke the choppy dialect of her tribe. "Yo' tellum me shont-isham.