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Shiela spurred forward, launching her mount into a gallop; Hamil's horse followed on a dead run, he tugging madly at the buck-shot shell in his web belt; and away they tore to head the deer. In vain! for the agile herd bounded past far out of shell-range and went crashing on through the jungle of the branch; and Shiela reined in and turned her flushed face to Hamil with a laugh of sheer delight.

On the 5th July, another bombardment took place by the Thunder, Terror, and Strombolo, which being judiciously placed, their fire produced a considerable effect on both the town and shipping, and obliged the Spanish admirals to remove their fleet out of shell-range. This attack, like the first, ended in an encounter between the gun-boats.

One of them shouted out to me, "Voila les Boches!" waving his arm to left and right, and then shaking a clenched fist at them. Her mother had been raped. In further fields out of view of the German trenches, but well within shell-range, the harvesting was being done by French soldiers.

I thought they might be for troops in reserve until I saw large flags hoisted to tall staffs and men of the R.A.M.C. busy painting signs on large sheets stretched out on the grass. It was always the same sign the Sign of the Cross that was Red. There was a vast traffic of lorries on the roads, and trains were traveling on light railways day and night to railroads just beyond shell-range.