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Pontellier stopped at the house of his old friend and family physician, Doctor Mandelet. The Doctor was a semi-retired physician, resting, as the saying is, upon his laurels. He bore a reputation for wisdom rather than skill leaving the active practice of medicine to his assistants and younger contemporaries and was much sought for in matters of consultation.

But there was a family named Dyer lately settled at Redcross, a semi-retired stockbroker, with his wife and daughters, who had come from London to occupy Redcross Manor-house naturally they had nothing to do with Carey's Bank, and were still supposed to be rolling in wealth, as they had been reported from the first.

A week after he arrived, he rented a one bedroom apartment on Liholiho Street, telling the realtor that he had a degree from the university which was true and that he was retired, which didn't sound right. "Semi-retired," he amended. It was a bare bones apartment on the third floor with a lanai that faced mauka, toward the mountain.

Stanley Browne, noted big game hunter and semi-retired owner of the great Browne Glassworks at Altoona, a man fifteen years my senior but tanned and fit looking; Professor Berry, well known in scientific circles; and myself, known in no branch of activity save the one Stanley had jested about the night life of my home city, Chicago.

Made up of thriving farmers and semi-retired city men, Acredale mingled the simple conditions of a country village and the easy refinement of city life. The houses were large, the grounds ornate and ample, the society decorously convivial.