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"Ever talk to one of these rich capitalists that has rubber stock for sale in South America or a self-starting banana orchard? You know how good they are. "You're certainly entitled to anything of your own that you've kept after they get through with you. And would you think that this poor, simple-minded old rancher would be any match for their wiles?

It can be reversed through the rails. The armature or revolving part must be tripolar to be self-starting in all positions. A motor of sufficient power can be bought for half a crown or less in any case more cheaply than it can be made by the average amateur.

He was embracing her. She was his the latest model, self-starting, with limousine body and all the newest. No, no, his mind was wandering. She was his, this divine girl, this queen among women, this From the drawing-room Roscoe Sherriff's voice floated out in unconscious comment Good-bye, boys! I'm going to be married to-morrow. Good-bye, boys! I'm going from sunshine to sorrow.

Charley exclaimed, " it's just what I expected! She's one of these self-starting female suffragettes! That's what she is. I knowed she was too gentle acting to be harmless!" "She just had to break loose sooner or later," Bert said in an awed voice. "My Gawd!" Old Heck murmured hopelessly. "Holy gosh a'mighty!" The owner of the Quarter Circle KT was really shocked and worried.

When I was told that you were a great American inventor, I was prepared to see a fellow with the back of his neck shaved, who, while chewing gum, would seize my lapel and hold on to it while he insisted on explaining how I could save time and money by using his electrical self-starting dishwasher or some such beastly machine.

It will get much cheaper, no doubt, and much swifter, and be improved in a dozen ways we must get self-starting engines, for example, for both our aeroplanes and motor-cars but it is available to-day for anyone who can reach it. An invalid lady of seventy could have enjoyed all that I did if only one could have got her into the passenger's seat.