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Grosvenor's side, where they both remained, eyeing the little stranger in silence. "The child's dress denotes no common birth," remarked the Captain, as his lady disrobed it of its rich lace dress, saturated with the salt seawater. "And the gold bands; are there no marks? nothing, by which we may gain the least clue of its history?"

I would propose, therefore, that an apparatus of this sort should be provided in every ship that goes to sea; and in case there should be a deficiency of fresh water on board, the seawater may be rendered potable, by being first converted into ice.

But for all that she had a clear-cut vision of her husband's body, bloated with seawater, his blond hair streaming like kelp, rolling inertly in shifting waters. "He couldn't have fallen off the rocks," she declared firmly. "There THERE he is now." She heaved a great sigh of relief as a heavy tread sounded in the hallway below. She ran to the banisters, looking over, and calling, "Oh, Mac!

He, too, plunged into the sea, and Bunsby and the captain were left alone. "You won't desert me, Bunsby?" said the captain. "No, captain. I haven't swallowed seawater like those poor fellows. I can stand it better." "There is no hope of life," said the captain, quietly; "but I don't like to go unbidden into my Maker's presence." "Nor I. I'll stand by you, captain"

Lesbia waited in the saloon till Lady Kirkbank had bolted herself into her cabin, and then she went up to the deck wrapped in her satin-lined, fur-bordered cloak, and coiled herself in a bamboo arm-chair, and nestled her bare head into a Turkish pillow, and tried to sleep, there with the cool morning breeze blowing upon her burning forehead, and the plish-plash of seawater soothing her ear.

To begin with, it was encrusted with sand and corroded by the contact of salt air and seawater. But when they had brushed off the sand and polished it as well as they could with the burlap bag, it stood forth in something of its original appearance a small box or casket of some heavy metal, either bronze or copper, completely covered with elaborate carving.