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Dora and Lillian were intent, the one upon a box of books newly arrived, the other upon a picture; so Beatrice had every day many hours at her disposal. She spent them all with Hugh, whose love seemed to increase with every moment. Hugh was to leave Seabay on Thursday, and on Wednesday evening he lingered by her side as though he could not part with her.

There was something to occupy her mind; every day she must arrange for a long ramble, so that she might meet Hugh. So, while the corn grew ripe in the fields, and the blossoms died away while warm, luxurious summer ruled with his golden wand Ronald Earle's daughter went on to her fate. At length there came an interruption to Hugh Fernely's love dream. The time drew near when he must leave Seabay.

If he went to Seabay if he went to the Elms, it was not probable that he would ever discover her whereabouts, or follow her to claim the fulfillment of her absurd promise. At the very worst, if he discovered that she was Lord Earle's daughter, she believed that her rank and position would dazzle and frighten him.

"I should laugh, papa," she replied, "if you did not look so very grave. We must see people in order to love them. Beatrice, how many do we know in the world? Farmer Leigh, the doctor at Seabay, Doctor Goode, who came to the Elms when mamma was ill, two farm laborers, and the shepherd that was the extent of our acquaintance until we came to Earlescourt.