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Here he raised his voice and shouted the alarm with all the force of his lungs, hoping thus to supplement the cries which here and there had been raised by the Savoyards. "Aux Armes! Armes!" he cried. "The enemy is at the gate! To arms! To arms!" A man ran out of the gateway at the sound of his shouting, levelled a musket and fired at him.

A rope was tied round his waist. He was dragged naked up and down the streets amidst yells of "A bailiff! A bailiff!" Finally he was compelled to kneel down and to curse his father and mother. Having performed this ceremony he was permitted, and the permission was blamed by many of the Savoyards, to limp home without a rag upon him.

Bartholomew had been achieved, and Rome rang with Te Deums in praise of the final dispersion of the Vaudois. The Pope sent to Victor Amadeus II. a special brief, congratulating him on the extirpation of heresy in his dominions; and Piedmontese and Savoyards, good Catholics, were presented with the lands from which the Vaudois had been driven.

This little rout made the general very cautious, for the Savoyards were stronger in horse by three or four thousand, and the army always marched in a body, and kept their parties in or very near hand. I escaped another rub in this French army about five days after, which had like to have made me pay dear for my curiosity.

In pursuance of my design, I assembled some people together, two Spanish deserters, three Savoyards, five fellows who had escaped from prison, and two prodigiously bold tinkers. It was at the time, when Cavalier had so incomprehensively taken the town of Sauve in the middle of the mountains and laid it under contribution. We marched directly against them, passing St.

She turned to him again. "What is it?" she cried. "Something has happened?" "Something is happening," he answered. His eyes shone, exultant. "But it is a matter for others! We may be easy!" "What is it?" "The Savoyards are in Geneva." She started incredulously. "In Geneva? Here?" she exclaimed. "The enemy?" He nodded. "Here? In Geneva?" she repeated. She could not have heard aright. "Yes."

Gingoulph, bearing Savoyards returning to their homes from the other side of the lake, and which, in that delusive landscape, appeared to the eye to be within a stone's throw of the base of the mountain, though, in truth, still a weary row from the land.

This was, however, refused; and both places fell into the hands of the French monarch, who then successively took Chablais and Faussigny; after which he sat down before the fortress of St. Catherine, which the Savoyards had erected to overawe the Genevese. During the siege of Fort St.

"These are Kirsten Piil's pages," said Wilhelm, laughing; "they take care that people show themselves tolerably smart. But now we are brushed enough!" A six-skilling-piece rejoiced these little Savoyards.

For the half of a minute the low-groined archway was a whirl of arms and steel and flame. Half a dozen single combats were in progress at once; amid yells and groans, and the jar and clash of a score of weapons. But the burghers, fighting bareheaded for their wives and hearths, were not to be denied; by-and-by the Savoyards gave back, broke, and saved themselves.