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As I renewed my walk up the Lounge, one of the V.A.D.'s overtook me, and asked what had happened. I told her, and she almost took my breath away by telling me that I had been "saucing" Her Most Gracious Majesty, Queen Alexandra. I quite expected to be "on the carpet" before the chief for my words, for Sir Arthur was standing by, and must have heard them.

But now it was this hot-headed Richard I have drawn for you who saw farthest and clearest. "All in good time," he said, coolly. "At this present we have Dan Morgan's fish to fry, and sitting here saucing this devil's mess of a supper with thoughts of private revenge will never fry it. Set your wits at work; Falconnet's ghost has put mine hopelessly out of gear.

He went out into the street, and asked the first good-natured-looking loafer he saw the way to Gravesend. "Way to your grandmother," said the loafer; "don't you come saucing of me." "But which is the way?" said Dickie. The man looked hard at him and then pointed with a grimy thumb over his shoulder. "It's thirty mile if it's a yard," he said. "Got any chink?" "I lost it," said Dickie.

They have taken both his legs off, and he's not expected to live. Oh, poor fellow, he did groan so!" Bobby burst into passionate tears, and Philip buried his head on his arms. Neither Alice nor I could speak, but Charles got up and went round and stood by Philip. "You've been helping," he said emphatically, "I know you have. You're a good fellow, Philip, and I beg your pardon for saucing you.