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Dar, it done struck five bells dat mean ten-thirty, unerstan' an' you's gotter git half-a-dozen ob yo' bob-tailed nags ready fo' de ridin' lessons yo' tells me yo' gives de yo'ng ladies at six bells, dat's eleben o'clock, Sattidy mawnin's. I's pintedly cur'us fer ter see dem lessons, I is.

"Bein' 's it's Sattidy night, 'most likely he'll come." "Hope Abner's feelin' friendly, then," said Pliny with an anticipatory twinkle in his shrewd little gray eyes which gave direct contradiction to his words. "If Abner hain't feelin' jest cheerful them boys'll be wrastlin' all over town and pushin' down houses." "They hain't never fit yet," said Scattergood.

It'll be off'n my mind then, and I kin sort of git a fresh start. I'm goin' right now and pack." "Kind of hasty, hain't you?... Now, Marthy, as a special favor to me I wish you'd stay, maybe two days more. I got a special reason. If you was to go this mornin' it 'u'd upset my plans. After Sattidy you kin do as you like, and maybe it's best you should part.

But I do wisht you could see your way to stayin' till Sattidy." "I don't see why, Mr. Baines, but if it'll be any good to you, I'll do it. But not a minute after Sattidy now mind that!" "Much 'bleeged, Marthy. G'-by, Marthy. G'-by." On Friday Scattergood was invisible in Coldriver village, for he had started away before dawn, driving his sway-backed horse over the mountain roads to the southward.