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The king heard nothing; he was all eyes. They were lifting Salcede from the car on to the scaffold, round which the archers had cleared a large space, so that it was distinctly visible to all eyes. Salcede was about thirty-five years of age, strong and vigorous; and his pale features, on which stood drops of blood, were animated alternately by hope and anguish.

Suddenly Salcede stopped and looked again at the lad, who repeated the signal. He wrote on, then stopped to look once more; the signal was again repeated. "Have you finished?" asked Tanchon. "Yes." "Then sign." Salcede signed, with his eyes still fixed on the young man. "For the king alone," said he, and he gave the paper to the usher, though with hesitation.

"More calmly," said a voice at once soft and imperative, of which Briquet vainly sought the owner. The cavalier seemed to make an effort over himself, and then said quietly to the Gascon, "Do you know him of whom you speak?" "Salcede?" "Yes." "Not in the least." "And the Duc de Guise?" "Still less." "Well, then, Salcede is a brave man." "So much the better: he will die bravely."

If I go on speaking, and she goes on shrugging her shoulders, I shall get angry, and that does not suit my health. Adieu, madame; cherish M. de Guise as much as you please, but I would advise them not to forget Salcede."

He had been arrested and conducted to France, and had hoped to be rescued by the way; but unfortunately for him, M. de Bellièvre had kept such good watch, that neither Spaniards nor Lorraines, nor leaguers, had been able to approach. In the prison Salcede hoped; during the torture, on the car, even on the scaffold, he still hoped.

"Yes, sire; I was busy." "One would think that you were my minister, coming to announce, with a long face, that some subsidy had not been paid." "Ma foi! your majesty is right; the subsidy has not been paid, and I am penniless. But it was not that which occupied me." "What then?" "Your majesty knows what passed at the execution of Salcede?" "Parbleu! I was there."