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Olga, the famous and popular widow of Ruric's son, Igor, became a Christian and was baptized in Constantinople in 955, and during the rest of her life lent her powerful influence to the spread of the faith.

I would send him a letter, had I not lost my scrip with my tablets in my encounter with the dogs. Things being as they were, it would not have been safe to send any of Ruric's folk with a message." "No, not with Simon watching the gate," agreed Padraig, cheerfully. "I wonder does he know how many lies he has told in this matter?"

Dom Manuel, playing with the jeweled chain of office about his neck, considered Ruric's face. Then Manuel said: "That is all. You may go." But Count Manuel's face was troubled, and for the rest of this day he kept an eye on Ruric the young clerk. The next afternoon, in broad daylight, Manuel detected Ruric carrying into the Room of Ageus, of all things, a lantern.

Another queer thing Manuel could notice, and it was that a great lock had been sheared away from the left side of Ruric's black hair. "What have you learned," says Manuel, "out yonder?" "I cannot tell you," replied Ruric, laughing sillily, "but in place of it, I will tell you a tale.

But to-night Dame Niafer was fretted, because the pastry-cook was young Ruric's cousin, and was, she feared, as likely as not to fling off in a huff on account of Dom Manuel's having strangled the clerk. "Well, then do you raise the fellow's wages," said Count Manuel. "That is easily said, and is exactly like a man.