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"Musha! isn't Boney coming himself? He's bringing all the Roossians down with him, and going to destroy us entirely." "Not at all, man; you mistake. He's nothing to do with Russia, and has quite enough on his hands at this moment." "God grant it was truth you were talking! "With who? with what?" "With the Cusacks." "What the devil do you mean? Who are they?"

In a milingtary capacity I will serve neither the Turks nor the Roossians." "Quite right, my old friend, I will not ask military service of you, so good-night. By the way, it may be as well to remind you that, except between ourselves, I am not Sandy Black but Sanda Pasha, you understand?"

We'd the lot atop on us one time or t'other French, Roossians, Dons, Dutch, Swedes, Danes, and all; and Nap to thank for em.... "Last Spring I come home to find Black Diamond cock o the Gap Gang, and better fear'd nor Boney's self in East Sussex. That'd be a day or two after they'd done Mr. Lucy." "What was that?" "Why, sir, Mr. Lucy, he was Coast-guard Officer of this district.

"Sir," cried Lancey, bursting into the cabin one afternoon while I was preparing for a trip ashore, "the Roossians 'as declared war, an' the whole country is gettin' hup in harms!"

They mak' munselves up into all manner of disguisements, specially beards. I've seed the Roossians with their beards many a time." "Maybe 'tis witchcraft. Look to mun, putting mun's head under that black bag now! He'm after no good, I'll warrant. If they ben't works of darkness, what be?" "Leastwise he'm no right to go spying here on our quay, and never ax with your leave, or by your leave.