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Lincoln built the flatboat, has, since his day, completely disappeared from the earth; but then it was one of the flourishing settlements on the river of that name. Lincoln and his friends on arriving there in March immediately began work. There is still living in Springfield, Illinois, a man who helped Lincoln at the raft-building Mr.

The remote section of bank which Drew had chosen became a scene of activity as the company came in a tight bunch not long after Campbell. The stragglers came later, pushing beat-out horses, one or two riding double. They had no tools other than bowie knives, and their attempts at raft-building were not only awkward but in the most cases futile.

The nails must have been there by pure accident, but the tools probably were the carpenter's private kit; and as in the course of my farther search I did not come across the ship's carpenter-shop which no doubt was under water forward I felt that this chance supply of what I needed for my raft-building was a very lucky thing for me indeed.

"He calls himself Hodge Jeremiah Hodge and claims acquaintance with my husband. He says he came by request to have a talk with Hinson about raft-building on the Tombigbee." "Do you believe this?" "I don't know what to think. He is a civil man very civil as soft spoken as a girl, and he has the nicest table manners I ever seen in a man. I couldn't turn strangers away on such a raw night."

The women, and the lame slave Ook-ootsk with the old men, who, though their hearts were still high, were too frail of their hands for such a heavy task as raft-building remained before the Caves under the command of A-ya, Grôm's mate.