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It was a Paris pattern-hat and very expensive, but I spent the larger part of my pocket-money in purchasing it and ordered it to be sent to the girl whose image still filled my whole soul. Hitherto I had given her nothing except a small locket and a great many flowers. The atmosphere of Quedlinburg was far different from that of the Mark factory town of Kottbus.

Aurora realised that her sun had set, and relinquishing her sceptre without a murmur, she retired to the convent of Quedlinburg, of which Augustus had appointed her Abbess.

How fresh, how healthful, how stimulating to industry and out-door exercise it was! Everything in the senior class was just as it should be. In Kottbus the pupils addressed each other formally. There were at the utmost, I think, not more than half a dozen with whom I was on terms of intimacy. In Quedlinburg a beautiful relation of comradeship united all the members of the school.

He fortified Towns; all Towns are to be walled and warded, to be BURGS in fact; and the inhabitants BURGhers, or men capable of defending Burgs. This is a man who will make some impression upon Anarchy, and its Wends and Huns. His standard was St. Michael, as we have seen, WHOSE sword is derived from a very high quarter! Lies buried in Quedlinburg Abbey: any Tomb?

Some of its fairest blossoms are in the immediate vicinity of Quedlinburg. These and the delight in nature with which I here renewed my old bond tempted more than one of us to write, and very different poems, deeper and with more true feeling, than those produced in Kottbus. A poetic atmosphere from the Hercynian woods and the monuments of ancient days surrounded our lives.

Here the portrait of the blooming, beautiful husk of a soul exulting in haughty arrogance; yonder that husk itself, transformed by the hand of death into a rigid, colourless caricature, a mummy without embalming. Art, too, had a place in Quedlinburg.

They had been promised an easy prey captured women loot and the remunerative task of escorting us to safety. Doubtless Von Quedlinburg had promised them our consul would be lavish with rewards on our account. Therefore there was added reason why they should not fire on Englishmen and an American.

How fresh, how healthful, how stimulating to industry and out-door exercise it was! Everything in the senior class was just as it should be. In Kottbus the pupils addressed each other formally. There were at the utmost, I think, not more than half a dozen with whom I was on terms of intimacy. In Quedlinburg a beautiful relation of comradeship united all the members of the school.