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At length perceiving us, they sprang to their feet; when Pullingo exclaimed, "Son Quaquagmagu me, me!" "Of course we recollect him," said Mudge, shaking him by the hand. I did the same, apparently much to the young man's satisfaction. "And what brought your son here?" inquired Mudge, as if he knew that it would be useless to put the question to Quaquagmagu.

We were puzzled also to discover how Quaquagmagu had known where to find his father. It showed us that the blacks had some secret means of communicating with each other of which we were ignorant. We sat by our camp-fire endeavouring to hold a conversation with Pullingo.

"It is very evident that Pullingo and Quaquagmagu have taken French leave, and gone off with their companions. The chances are that we shall see no more of them. If the old fellow changes his mind, which perhaps he may do when he recollects the pleasant roasts with which we supplied him, he can easily track us along the valley."

Our aim was to ascertain the object for which Quaquagmagu and his companions had come into that part of the country, but we were for a long time excessively puzzled to understand the meaning of Pullingo's words and gestures.

"Perhaps during the evening we shall be able to learn more about the matter; however, in the meantime we must make him and his son assist us in plucking the birds, for I am getting pretty sharp set." Pullingo and Quaquagmagu very willingly obeyed our directions, especially as they were to benefit by the task, and we quickly had a dozen pigeons and parrots roasting on as many spits.

As Pullingo and Quaquagmagu had eaten up the remainder of the birds we had shot, we immediately started to obtain a fresh supply. This was not difficult to do, and we soon killed enough to feed all hands and to enable us to carry some with us for the next day's journey. Then shouldering our muskets, we set out with our faces to the hill, the two blacks accompanying us.

They were talking earnestly together, as if they had matters of the greatest importance to communicate. As we drew near enough to distinguish the features of the stranger black, we recognised our old acquaintance, Pullingo's son, Quaquagmagu.