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Over the pretty Andalusian features of Madame Gerson, a mocking smile played. "I have guessed it," she exclaimed. "And so have I," said Lissac. "You wish me to present the new Minister of the Interior to you? You have a friend you want appointed to a prefecture." "Not at all. I only want him to take Pichereau's place at my reception.

Vaudrey did not remember that it was in almost these very terms that the daily résumé of the press expressed itself on the eve of Pichereau's fall, to the Minister of the Interior, in speaking of Pichereau's cabinet. "I shall have a majority of sixty votes," he said to himself. "Everything will be carried save honor!" He thought of Adrienne as he thus wished.

I have caught you, my dear colleague," cried Sulpice, very much amused at Pichereau's embarrassed air, his coat buttoned close like a Quaker's and his little eyes blinking behind his spectacles, and looking as sheepish as a sacristan caught napping. "Me?" stammered Pichereau. "Me? But my dear Minister, it's you yes, you whom I came expressly to seek!" "Here?" said Vaudrey. "Yes, here!" "Really?"

He recalled how, on that morning when Sulpice Vaudrey sat there for the first time, the morning following Pichereau's sudden dismissal from office, the editor of this daily press bulletin, like an automaton, mechanically and indifferently laid on the table of the minister a report wherein he said in full: "Public opinion, by the mouth of the accepted journals, has for too long a time reposed confidence in the Pichereau administration, for the ministry to be troubled about the approaching and useless interpellation announced some days ago by Monsieur Vaudrey of Isère ."