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He did not belie himself on this occasion; he was extremely astonished to find Maurice "still at it," but much more so to see a book open before him; and he vented his surprise loudly and wordily. "Liszt used to read the newspaper," said Maurice, for the sake of saying something. He had swung round in the piano-chair, and he yawned as he spoke, without attempting to disguise it.

Even Miss Chapman, praying to her piano-chair some distance off, had heard, and turned her head to frown rebuke. The prayer at an end, Mr. and Mrs. Strachey bowed vaguely in several directions, shook hands with the governesses, and left the room. This was the signal for two of the teachers to advance with open Bibles.

The virtuoso shook the long hair back from his face, cleared his throat, and murmured, hesitating, peculiarly, after each word: "The thing has several good points." "Points!" Zaremba croaked, scornfully. "Points! It's a masterpiece!" Anton Rubinstein sprang to his feet, oversetting the piano-chair in which he had been sitting. "Well what if it is?" pacing rapidly up and down.

Passing by the organ, and the empty seats of the orchestra, he descended to the front of the platform, where two grand pianos stood side by side; and, as he went, he noted that the hall was exceptionally well filled. He let down the lid of the piano to the peg for chambermusic; he lowered the piano-chair, and flicked the keys with his handkerchief.