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Plump: plump: they came right into the battery; down went a horse; over went an ammunition-waggon. At that range the Volunteers' little old 7-pounders were pea-shooters; you might as well have spat at the enemy. The guns limbered up and were off. Next came the vicious phutt! of a bursting shell not fifty yards from the armoured train and the armoured train was puffing back for its life.

"You're too valuable to lose," said Tommy Burt, swinging his pudgy legs over Banneker's desk, having finished one of his mirthful stories of a row between a wine agent and a theatrical manager over a doubly reserved table in a conspicuous restaurant. "Otherwise phutt! But they'll be very careful what kind of assignments they hand over to your reckless hands in future.

The sound we knew well enough; the place it came from was the left shoulder of Matawana's Hoek; the place it would arrive at we waited, half anxious, half idly curious, to see. Whirr whizz e-e-e-e phutt! Heavens, on to the very top of a gun! For a second the gun was a whirl of blue-white smoke, with grey-black figures struggling and plunging inside it.

It was half-full of white powder that glittered in a stray ray of sunlight. "Try a sniff," he begged eagerly, "and all your troubles will go phutt!" "Thank you, no" she shook her head, looking at him with a perplexed smile "I don't know what it is." "It's the white terror," he chuckled again, "better than the green not so horribly musty as the green, eh?"

Another was pattering swiftly under cover of a ridge leftward; the leading gun had crossed the railway; the last had followed; the battery had utterly disappeared. Boom! Whirr whizz e-e-e-e phutt! The second Boer shell fell stupidly, and burst in the empty veldt.

"We must hurry," sez the F.O. "They're going to bombard a trench for ten minutes at noon, and I must be in touch by then." 'We scurried round to the other post, and just got fixed up before the shoot commenced. And in the middle of it phutt goes first one wire an' then the other. The F.O. said things out loud when I told him. "Come along," he finished up; "we must mend it at once.