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And still, providing for contingencies, I fain confront the fact, the need of powerful native philosophs and orators and bards, these States, as rallying points to come, in times of danger, and to fend off ruin and defection. For history is long, long, long.

While the foremost actors and events from 1750 to 1830 both in Europe and America were crowding each other on the world's stage While so many kings, queens, soldiers, philosophs, musicians, voyagers, litterateurs, enter one side, cross the boards, and disappear amid loudest reverberating names Frederick the Great, Swedenborg, Junius, Voltaire, Rousseau, Linnaeus, Herschel curiously contemporary with the long life of Goethe through the occupancy of the British throne by George the Third amid stupendous visible political and social revolutions, and far more stupendous invisible moral ones while the many quarto volumes of the Encyclopaedia Francaise are being published at fits and intervals, by Diderot, in Paris while Haydn and Beethoven and Mozart and Weber are working out their harmonic compositions while Mrs.

Meantime, the highest and subtlest and broadest truths of modern science wait for their true assignment and last vivid flashes of light as Democracy waits for it's through first-class metaphysicians and speculative philosophs laying the basements and foundations for those new, more expanded, more harmonious, more melodious, freer American poems.

In short, as, though it may not be realized, it is strictly true, that a few first-class poets, philosophs, and authors, have substantially settled and given status to the entire religion, education, law, sociology, &c., of the hitherto civilized world, by tinging and often creating the atmospheres out of which they have arisen, such also must stamp, and more than ever stamp, the interior and real democratic construction of this American continent, to-day, and days to come.