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"It is Tom Bodger!" cried Aleck, in a voice he did not know for his own, and something seemed to clutch him about the throat, and he knelt there muttering something inaudible to himself. Phee-ew! Phee-ew! The peculiar gull-like whistle once more, to run in a softened series of echoes right up into the farthest part of the cavern.

"He's a tall, hateful, Black Republican Yankee!" she said. "Phee-ew!" whistled the Captain. "Any more epithets?" "He's a nasty Abolitionist!" "There you do him wrong, honey," the Colonel put in. "I hear he took Hester to Miss Crane's," the Captain continued, filling the room with his hearty laughter. "That boy has sand enough, Jinny; I'd like to know him."

"Here, sailor." "Yes; what was that?" "I don't know. I seemed to hear something." "Have you been asleep?" "Yes; have you?" "I think so," said the middy. "We must have been. But, I say, it really is much lighter this time." "So I thought," said Aleck. "And, I say, I can smell the fresh seaweed. Is the arch going to be open at last?" Phee-ew! came a low, plaintive whistle.

"He's a tall, hateful, Black Republican Yankee!" she said. "Phee-ew!" whistled the Captain. "Any more epithets?" "He's a nasty Abolitionist!" "There you do him wrong, honey," the Colonel put in. "I hear he took Hester to Miss Crane's," the Captain continued, filling the room with his hearty laughter. "That boy has sand enough, Jinny; I'd like to know him."

Here, I must get that note again, but I feel so pumped out and languid that I am blessed if I am going to get up and go hunting for that piece of paper. Phee-ew! It's hotter than ever. I should just like to go down to the river-side, take off all my clothes under the trees, and sit there right up to my chin, with the beautiful, clear, cool water gurgling round my neck. Lovely!

"Understand understand what?" said the poor fellow, subduing his voice in obedience to his companion's words. "I must tell you, I suppose." "Tell me? Why, of course! Oh, I begin to understand now. Have I been off my head a bit?" "Yes; you were very much upset when the French officer was with us, and fainted away." "Phee-ew!" whistled the boy softly. "Oh, it's all coming back now.

"He's a tall, hateful, Black Republican Yankee!" she said. "Phee-ew!" whistled the Captain. "Any more epithets?" "He's a nasty Abolitionist!" "There you do him wrong, honey," the Colonel put in. "I hear he took Hester to Miss Crane's," the Captain continued, filling the room with his hearty laughter. "That boy has sand enough, Jinny; I'd like to know him."