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Complete rest is provided for until all pain has subsided. Later, stimulating liniments are beneficial. Where no injury is done the periosteum or bone, complete resorption of all products of inflammation usually occurs, though in many instances, this is tardy six weeks or more are sometimes required for recovery to take place.

They pass out from the Haversian canals at right angles, going to all portions of the compact substance except a thin layer at the surface. In the surface layer of the bone the canaliculi are in communication with the periosteum. Arterial capillary. 2. Venous capillary. 3. Nerve fibers. 4. Lymph vessel.

In life they are richly supplied with blood from the nutrient artery and from the periosteum, by an endless network of nourishing canals throughout their whole structure. Bone has, therefore, like all other living structures, a self-formative power, and draws from the blood the materials for its own nutrition. The Bones of the Head. The Head, or Skull.

Handley argues against the embolic origin of the metastases in the bones because of the rarity of these in the bones of the distal parts of the limbs, because of the fact that secondary cancer of the femur nearly always commences in the upper third of the shaft, which harmonises with the intimate connection of the deep fascia with the periosteum over the great trochanter, thus favouring invasion of the bone marrow when permeation has spread thus far.

Finally the periosteum gives way, and an abscess forms in the soft parts; and if left to itself ruptures externally, leaving a sinus. The most satisfactory treatment is to resect sub-periosteally the diseased portion of the diaphysis. The situation and extent of the disease are shown in X-ray photographs.

If the periosteum has been extensively destroyed, new bone may only be formed in patches, or not at all.

In an individual man or mammal, if the periosteum of a bone is destroyed or removed the bone dies, and is then either absorbed, or separated from the living bone adjoining, by absorption of the connecting part.

In the tertiary stage the joint lesions are persistent and destructive, and result from the formation of gummata, either in the deeper layers of the synovial membrane or in the adjacent bone or periosteum. Peri-synovial and peri-bursal gummata are met with in relation to the knee-joint of middle-aged adults, especially women.

Exostosis of the first and second phalanges is usually due to some form of injury, whether it be a contusion, a lacerated wound which damages the periosteum, or periostititis and osteitis incited by concussions of locomotion, or ligamentous strain. Practically the only exception is in the rachitic form of ringbone which affects young animals.

The outer portion is surrounded by a membrane which serves as periosteum to the bone and, at the same time, holds the liquid belonging to this part, called the perilymph. The inner portion, called the membranous labyrinth, consists essentially of a closed membranous sac, which is filled with the endolymph. The auditory nerve terminates in this portion of the internal ear. Vestibule. 2. Cochlea. 3.