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Westwood, 'Modern Class. vol. ii. p. 193. The following statement about Penthe, and others in inverted commas, are taken from Mr. In male dragon-flies, "the appendages at the tip of the tail are modified in an almost infinite variety of curious patterns to enable them to embrace the neck of the female."

"This was why he named you Penthesilea." "Who's she?" "She was a Queen of the Amazons and fought at Troy " "What's Amazons?" "Fierce, terrible women who hated men and loved to fight." "Well, I hates a fight, so don't you go calling me Penthe whatever her name was." "No, Diana, I would have you her very opposite, if possible." "How d'ye mean?"

Pelican, blind, fed by his companions; young, guided by old birds; pugnacity of the male. Pelicans, fishing in concert. Pelobius Hermanni, stridulation of. Pelvis, alteration of, to suit the erect attitude of man; differences of the, in the sexes of man. Penelope nigra, sound produced by the male. Pennant, on the battles of seals; on the bladder-nose seal. Penthe, antennal cushions of the male.

Anser hyperboreus, whiteness of. Antelope, prong-horned, horns of. Antelopes, generally polygamous; horns of; canine teeth of some male; use of horns of; dorsal crests in; dewlaps of; winter change of two species of; peculiar markings of. Antennae, furnished with cushions in the male of Penthe. Anthidium manicatum, large male of. Anthocharis cardamines; sexual difference of colour in.

The remaining wonder of Mauritius appears to be the great Peter Both Mountain, so nearly inaccessible that a rage for climbing it has been developed. The first successful attempt was made by Claude Penthé, who planted the French flag on it in 1790, and English ascents were made in 1832, 1848, 1858, 1864 and 1869. We must not omit, however, the Aphanapteryx, though Mr.

Walsh, B.D., on the proportion of the sexes in Papilio Turnus; on the Cynipidae and Cecidomyidae; on the jaws of Ammophila; on Corydalis cornutus; on the prehensile organs of male insects; on the antennae of Penthe; on the caudal appendages of dragonflies; on Platyphyllum concavum; on the sexes of the Ephemeridae; on the difference of colour in the sexes of Spectrum femoratum; on sexes of dragon-flies; on the difference of the sexes in the Ichneumonidae; on the sexes of Orsodacna atra; on the variation of the horns of the male Phanaeas carnifex; on the coloration of the species of Anthocharis.