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But it was all kept quiet, because Aline Pearsall is such a little shrinking violet, I suppose," Mrs. Breckenridge said. "The Pearsalls are to think it was just an impromptu affair. Billy and Aline of course have no idea what a party it was. But Clarence says that poor Berry was worse than he, and a few of them are still keeping it up. It's a shame, of course "

Nancy had Buckley Pearsall, Bert's chief, and his wife, to dinner, and kindly Mrs. Pearsall could not enough praise the bride and her management. Later the Pearsalls asked the young Bradleys down to their Staten Island home for a week-end. "And think of the pure gain of not buying a thing for three days!" exulted Nancy, thereby convulsing her lord. She brought back late corn, two jars of Mrs.

Bradley had gone into business for himself; that the Pearsalls were going to throw anything they could his way. It sounded dignified Bert with a letter head, and an office in Broadway! She was lost in a complacent dream when Bert's voice awakened her. "So that, if Buck does lend it, that means the interest on fifty thousand. ..." "Fifty thousand?" Nancy repeated, alarmed.

He had lunched late, in town, with both the Pearsalls, had not left the table until four o'clock. And he had news for her. He was leaving Pearsall and Pearsall. Nancy looked at him stupefied. What did he mean? Panic seized her, and under her panic something rose and exulted. Perhaps it was trouble perhaps Bert needed his wife again! "I'm going in for myself," said Bert.