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I lost no time, however, in making a contract with a well-driver, who assured me that as soon as the working season should open, which probably would be very early in the spring, he would come to my place and begin to drive my well. The season did open, and so did the pea-blossoms, and the pods actually began to fill before I saw that well-driver again.

But as a matron who should know all about a young man who was paying very special attention to a younger woman in her charge, she accepted the invitation, and went into the garden with Lodloe. The sweet pea-blossoms crowded the tall vines which lined one side of a path, and as she picked them he talked to her.

Those which now made the best show of bloom were the star-thistle centaurea and ononis repens. The appearance of this last was very curious, for in addition to its pink pea-blossoms it seemed to be sprinkled over with little flowers the colour of forget-me-nots. These, however, were not flowers at all, but small flying beetles painted the brilliant blue of myosotis.

The leaves or, rather, leaflets are very sensitive and have a habit of folding over one another in wet and dull weather, and also in the night a habit that is peculiar to all the members of the acacia family, to which the locust belongs." "I should think it ought to belong to the pea family," said Malcolm, "if the flowers are shaped like pea-blossoms."

The butter-cups were over all the hills, for children to put under their chins, and pea-blossoms, very much like lady-slippers, swayed prettily in the wind. Beneath the feet of the boy and girl she was a merry, bright-eyed child! how I love her still! broke crocuses and violets, and a thousand wild flowers, fresh and full of fairy beauty.